Arthritis and Pain Treatment Center
Home of the World Class 7th Generation Medical Acupuncture for Inflammation and Pain
Treat the Root of Disease Underlying Pain
Specialized in Intervention of Neuro-immune-endocrine Crosstalk for Inflammation and Pain Control
Neural Reflex Control of Immunity for Pain and Cancer Care
315-378-5556; 607-372-2082; 585-358-6186 Pain Management in Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, NY
Home of Integrative Inflammation and Pain Medicine
Find the Best Way for Integration of TCM with Conventional Medicine through Clinical Translational Research
We Collaborate with the Best Doctors as a Team for Integrated Comprehensive Care
Global Leading Inflammation and Pain Treatment Center, the Future of Pain Medicine and Inflammation Medicine
Explore the Best Way Integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine with Modern Conventional Western Medicine to Reach the Best Clinical Outcome
From East Coast To West Coast, From North To South, From China To USA, Patients Have Experienced
Seven-Generations Accumulated Experience on the Cutting Edge
Ancient Precision Pain Medicine on the Cutting Edge
Life Changing Medicine, Moving Medicine Forward
Perioperative Medicine
Perioperative Medicine Clinics of Arthritis and Pain Treatment Center in Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, NY
Arthritis and Pain Treatment Center offers world class arthritis care in Rochester, NY. Arthritis and Pain Treatment Center offers arthritis care before and after joint replacement care, the preoperative and postoperative care in Rochester, NY.
About Perioperative Medicine
Perioperative medicine delivers patient-centred, multidisciplinary, integrated care for patients from the contemplation of surgery throughout the surgical pathway to recovery. High-quality perioperative care reduces complications, improves outcomes, and leads to improved patient satisfaction and reduced healthcare costs. Perioperative medicine is the medical care of patients from the time of contemplation of surgery through the operative period to full recovery. Perioperative care may be provided by anesthesiologists, anaesthetists, geriatricians, nurses and allied health professionals, intensivists, internal medicine generalist or hospitalist working with surgical colleagues. High-quality perioperative care has been shown to minimise postoperative complications, reduce the requirement for critical care postoperatively and decrease postoperative length of hospital stay. Perioperative medicine emphasises the importance of an integrated, planned, and personalised approach to patient care before, during, and after any surgical procedure involving anaesthesia. The goal of perioperative medicine is to improve the patient experience and outcomes, lower the occurrence of postoperative issues, decrease the number of days spent in the hospital, and minimize readmissions after surgery.
Preoperative care refers to health care provided before a surgical operation. The aim of preoperative care is to do whatever is right to increase the success of the surgery.
Postoperative care is the care you receive after surgery. Learn how to promote your recovery process and lower your risk of complications.
Perioperative Acupuncture in Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, NY
Acupuncture Care Before Surgery, During Surgery, and After Surgery
Acupuncture and related techniques are increasingly practiced in conventional medical settings, and the number of patients willing to use these techniques is increasing. Acupuncture could relieve anxiety and stress during the preoperative stage. It reduces the usage of narcotics and stress response, and maintains the respiratory stability and homeostasis during surgery. It also exerts a protective effect on vital organs, and during the postoperative stages, enhances the recovery while effectively alleviating the postoperative pain. This phenomenon prevents common postoperative discomforts such as nausea and vomiting. In addition, it might improve the patients’ long-term prognosis. In China, anesthesia acupuncture has been used for before surgery, during surgery, and post surgery care to reduce dose of opioid medications in the clinical patient care. Integrative anesthesiology pain management is good option for peri surgery care to prevent drug addictions induced by medical prescription drugs, e.g. Amidate, Brevital, Diprivan, Etomidate, Ketalar, Ketamine, Methohexital, Propofol. Anesthesiologist can use anesthesia acupuncture for integrative pain management approach to reduce the dose of anesthetics to prevent drug addictions. Perioperative acupuncture is for pre-surgery, post-surgery, and peri-surgery acupuncture care. Surgery acupuncture helps patient to recover from surgery, reduce pain medication dose, prevent drug addictions, relive pain and inflammation.
Upstate perioperative medicine acupuncture care is offered by RUI the seventh generation medical acupuncture doctor in Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, NY. Upstate perioperative medicine acupuncture care is to prepare the surgical condition that is better for surgeons to perform operation. The lesion where surgeon performs operation is not easy for the surgeon to operate, because of inflammation. The tissue of inflammatory lesion is usually brittle, and easily torn. Acupuncture can relive inflammation before surgery or operation. Upstate perioperative medicine acupuncture care prepares patient's general conditions ready for surgery in Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, NY, such as stabilization of blood pressure and heart issues. Upstate perioperative medicine acupuncture care reduces pain and opioid use for surgery patients in Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, NY. Upstate perioperative medicine acupuncture care promotes patient's recovery from surgery, and promotes wound healing in Rochester, NY. Upstate perioperative medicine acupuncture is rehabilitation care after surgery in Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, NY.